The automation is displayed using the View menu settings.

From here, fade, pan, play, mute, various plugin parameters, camera, and projector settings can be changed for any moment in the timeline. In fact the only way to control camera and projector settings for video is automation. For audio, the Fade and Pan settings are offsetted with automation. The automation specifies an offset to be added to the console's setting. Play and Mute settings override the console.

Automation is drawn over the track view. Create and drag automation points with the pointer. For audio, the Shift key tries to lock the automation setting to a desirable point while dragging.

Automation can be edited much like text, by selecting regions and using the Edit menu's automation functions. The only automation affected by automation editing is what is selected as displayable. This way you can selectively cut and paste automation while leaving other automation untouched.

While panning is controlled by a box in the console the pan automation consists of an offset to add to each channel so it's possible to have both channels muted. This is not the recommended method for muting, mind you.

The effect of plugin automation depends on the plugin. The plugin should have a word like (automated) by the function which is affected by its automation line. Not all plugins are automated. The plugin automation specifies a fraction of the maximum value of the plugin's parameter to be added to the parameter's setting.